
You Have No Secrets To Me Anymore

You have no secrets to me anymore
If you came from a world of stars and bells
to a world of hell
too bad you didn't tell and lead me there aswell.

You have no secrets to me anymore
secrets of the one so greater and sublime
in fact not so digne
I'm not sorry if you're not mine.

You have no secrets to me anymore
You were the one who was on wait
sorry to interrupt you as a fake
line that isn't even written in my fate...

5 comentários:

~pi disse...

the fateless...

the better!!*

Delfim Peixoto disse...

No secrets ... perhaps some mtsteries?

Flávio Dantas disse...

mt legal por aqui achei ;p
vamos nos linkar?

un dress disse...

vim reler-te e fico a sentir

essa coisa dos segredos.

devemos talvez alimentá-los sob a forma de pequenos... mistérios...,

como diz

alguém aí acima? :)



the book of life